Sources of Electrical Pollution
Some Sources of Electrical Pollution:
Common sources of radio waves radiation
Some common sources of radio waves radiation are: Outdoors Broadcast antennas (fixed); Broadcast antennas (mobile); Radar stations (fixed); Radar devices (mobile); Television cables; Satellites; Satellite receiving dishes; Satellite sending dishes; Cell phones, pagers, two-way radios.
General Symptoms of Radio Wave Sickness
Question: What are the general symptoms of radio wave sickness?
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Brainspotting (BSP) and Multi-Tiered Trans-Generational Genogram (MTTG) Healthiness can be defined as a state of physical, social, mental and emotional well-being. True wellness requires attention to health at all levels; when one part of the system breaks down, it affects each of the others. Modern therapists have developed new ways to...
The Truth About Your Food
The Standard American Diet has resulted in a downward spiral of human health despite the country's affluence and abundant resources. Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren brings new information to the table on how to take control of your health, and save your life.
Skin Conditions
Acne Vulgaris An inflammatory disease most commonly seen in teenagers. It affects areas where sebaceous glands are largest, most numerous, and most active. Mild cases consisting of few residual signs except possibly dilated pores, and the development of the comedo, or blackhead, may progress through more pathological stages of ruptured sebaceous ducts, pustule formation,...
EMF Cancer risk
Question: Is there a cancer risk with EMF?
Rheumatoid Arthritis
The Natural Approach Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory condition that affects the entire body but especially the synovial membranes of the joints. It is a classic example of an "autoimmune disease," a condition in which the body's immune system attacks the body's own tissue. Although rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic disease, it affects primarily the joints. The...
Further EMF information
The following sites contain further information, regarding EMF. The links are provided as-is, with no responsibility of the correctness of the information or the effectiveness of the products.
Novadermy - Frequently Asked Questions
How is Novadermy different from other rejuvenation procedures? This procedure is NOT a face lift, it is not a temporary superficial chemical peel, and no toxins are injected into the face. Novadermy has successfully prevented many people from having surgery, which has many side effects, including scarring, long recovery time, altered facial structure, toxicity (anesthetics and their many...
A Kinder Option
The use of stem cells contributes to approximately 5-7% of the final esthetic results of the Novadermy procedure. However, Novadermy is available also without using stem cells, and before choosing whether or not to undergo this procedure, you can consider this option as a more ecologically sound choice. The stem cells used for this procedure are harvested from bovine placentas in Argentina....
Dr. William Rae
Dr. William Rae, a former surgeon from Texas, discovered his own sensitivity to electromagnetic fields while working in the modern operating room. As medicine became a technology, the operating room became a home to more and more electrical devices. Today, in his opinion, it could well be classified as a hazardous environment. By eliminating other sources, Dr. Rae determined that his allergic and...
The Roof of Africa & Beyond
An Account of Dr. Tel-Oren's Adventures in Tanzania, Africa: Safari, Nutritional Research, and Climbing Kilimanjaro Drug-Free and Altitude Sickness-Free (Transcribed from Dr. T's Tuesday Lecture at Ecopolitan in February 2010).
Or's Testimonial
A few days ago I have returned from a trekking trip to Nepal that was guided by Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren (“Dr. T”). Among the mostly-American group members, there were two other Israelis, Shai and Anna, who returned at the same time and will share their own experience of this trip. I will not provide all the details of the trip at this time, nor will I copy everything that I...
Epigenetics, Detoxification, and You
I am back from an arduous lecture-and-patients tour of Israel and Italy! After seeing nutritional and skin-lesion patients in the Tel Aviv area, I traveled a bit north to lecture at an environmental health conference, focusing on the connection between our genetics and susceptibility to illness as a result of environmental, nutritional, hormonal, and emotional influences.
How to Eat Raw Organic Plant Food?
Organic, fresh, wholseme, unprocessed, uncooked vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds are great for your body (see why). But what is the best way to start eating raw food? Here are your essential tips.
Asthma Triggers and Electrical / EMF Pollution
Question: In the last newsletter, we asked: "If you would like to help others improve their health and learn about eco-friendly living, email this letter to a friend". So, here are the questions of "Joan", who got this newsletter from a caring friend, "Mary":
Healthy Eating During Pregnancy
Question: hello - do you offer any resources, literature, counselling on staying raw during our pregnancy and during the birth? We are about 1 month pregnant and are having trouble finding info on this. Thank you for what you do.
Sustainability in Restaurants and other Businesses
Question: I’ve read somewhere a quotation by someone who said that the Ecopolitan is the most ecological restaurant in the world. Can you confirm or explain that statement?
Electrical Pollution, Its Health Effects, and the Solution
The following article was sent to our newsletter subscriber at January, 2005. Visit our new EMF Pollution Remediation website for updated articles, solutions, and certification courses.
Milk and "Strong Bones"
During many of my lectures here and abroad about the detriment of society's obsessive consumption of dairy products, I noticed that my audiences seemed amenable enough to digesting the scientifically proven facts regarding the close association between milk products and many kinds of cancer, asthma, infections, allergies, auto-immune disease, inflammation, arthritis, weight gain, many...
Alzheimer's Disease
Adapted from the book "" by David Perlmutter, MD Board-Certified Neurologist At present, approximately 4.5 million Americans have Alzheimer's disease. By the year 2030, it has been estimated that this number will approach 9 million. Prevalence of Alzheimer's disease has been estimated to be 50% in individuals 85 years or older-the most rapidly growing segment of...
Blood Interpretation
Cholesterol Cholesterol values should only be analyzed after a 12 hour fast. Further, the physician must be aware that the patient's posture prior to the blood draw is significant. If the patient has been in a recumbent posture for more than 20 minutes, cholesterol values may be up to 15% lower than normal. Cholesterol is a blood fat which is the prime building block component to make...
What is the Intentional Community of River Haven?
The following article, 'What is the Intentional Community of River Hayven?', Written by Ann Woods and Doctor T, was Posted in the June 2005 Ecopolitan newsletter. River Hayven, the Wisconsin intentional community supporting a raw foods lifestyle, is blossoming this summer into a community with 7-8 full-time live-in members and several seasonal residents. The community intends to...
Garlic Health: Is Garlic a Villain or Benefactor?
Many of my patients and audience members at lectures have asked me the above-titled question using different verbiages on different occasions. Why ask about garlic, the food we love to spice our meals with so often, despite the attendant aroma?
"Ask Dr. T" - Recorded Lectures (CDs and DVDs)
The Dark Side of Dark Field Microscopy (1 CD) DESCRIPTION: Learn about the inadequacies of dark field microscopy, the dangers of diagnosis from this method and better alternatives to dark field microscopy. COST: $15 + shipping EMDR With Brainspotting: For Warp-Speed Emotional Healing (1 CD) DESCRIPTION: Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocesing) is a therapy used to...
New, Expansive EM Pollution Seminar!
In the upcoming 5-hour "Electromagnetic Pollution - Solid Solutions" Seminar for both doctors (5 CEUs awarded to applicable Minnesota doctors) and the public, we will explore the underlying mechanism that is a common thread in the evolution of numerous disease conditions, from headaches to joint pain, from multiple sclerosis (MS) to diabetes, and from asthma to cancer.
3M Chemical Contamination Widespread in Minnesota
For Immediate Release: February 27, 2006 Contact: Chas Offutt (202) 265-7337 New Report Finds Worst PFC Pollution in Nation around Twin Cities Washington, DC — Minnesota soil, air, and groundwater show significant contamination from 3M chemicals used to make Scotchgard and other products, according to a new report released today by Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility...
What is Eco-Raw Living? How is it "beyond raw food diet"?
EcoRaw Living is not only a natural way to satisfy our taste buds and nutrient needs without compromising the principles of ecology, sustainability, and nutritional health. It is a complete approach to life, involving every aspect of cellular nutrition and health that is known to science: Unlike other lifestyle approaches, including many raw food paths that often sadly focus on...
Holistic Science: Effective or Placebo Effect?
Some of my patients occasionally speak with their friends who happen to be allopathic doctors (orthodox medical-industrial doctors) about their medical care for chronic medical conditions (with which they had no good results until using functional medicine). These medical friends often claim in response that there is "no science" in the practice of non-allopathic health practitioners and...
Cardiovascular Disease
Definitions of Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors Total cholesterol Cholesterol is a waxy fat like substance. Total cholesterol refers to the sum of the different sub-fractions of cholesterol that are measured in the blood. Total cholesterol is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease. The National Cholesterol Education Program says 240 is considered high. A person with this level...
Depression is a major problem in the United States. Nearly 15 million Americans will suffer true clinical depression each year. Depression is also a big business for drug companies, especially for the maker of Prozac-Eli Lilly and Company. The good news is that there are natural measures to deal with depression that are both safer and more effective.
Low-level, long-term exposure to toxins such as heavy metals (e.g. lead, mercury, PSP, and cadmium), pesticides, industrial compounds, and pollutants is associated with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS), fibromyalgia (FM), neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's disease and atherosclerosis as well as many types of cancers. Common signs and...
Female Conditions
Amenorrhea Absence of menstruation. Amenorrhea may be primary (the girl has never begun her periods) or secondary (the woman had her periods once and then stopped having them). Physiologic amenorrhea is the lack of menses before menarche, during pregnancy and early lactation, and after menopause (all considered normal). All other causes of amenorrhea are pathologic. Causes of Primary...
Parathyroid Conditions
Hypoparathyroidism There are four parathyroid glands, located near each of the two lobes of the thyroid gland. The parathyroids produce parathyroid hormones that regulate blood levels of calcium necessary for strong bones and teeth, nerve function, and blood clotting. Hypoparathyroidism is a rare disorder associated with insufficient production of parathyroid hormone, the inability to make a...
Parkinson's Disease
A chronic progressive CNS disorder characterized by slowness of purposeful movement, resting tremors, and muscle rigidity. Also called "Parkinsonism" and "Paralysis Agitans" Dorland's Medical Dictionary describes the Parkinsonian complex as "neurologic disorders characterized by hypokinesia, tremors and muscular rigidity. It typically occurs late in life,...
Periodontal Disease
Gingivitis, Periodontitis, and Scorbutic Gums Periodontal disease is a scourge on our society. It accounts for more lost teeth in adulthood than any other dental problem. Gum disease will affect nine out of ten Americans, and one out of every four persons will lose all their teeth to periodontal disease by age 60. Thirty-two million Americans have gum disease right now in such an advanced state...
Himalayan Sulfur Rich Black Salt
100% natural, wholesome, traditional Ayurvedic healing black rock salt is hygienically HAND-CLEANED and crushed using non-painted stainless steel, in a Nepali government-approved Fair Trade facility DEDICATED TO THIS SALT ONLY - no risk of contaminants, heavy metals, or allergens. NO chemical processing, refining, heating or cooking! Just theNATURALLY SULFUR-RICH ancient RAW black...
Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2)
Question: My community-mate needs some convincing as of why hydrogen peroxide is a safe product to be used to improve hygiene in our community and educational center, here's what he wrote - can you write a brief answer to calm him down? - "After hearing about it, I was fully prepared to accept hydrogen peroxide as an alternative to soap. This morning I decided to look for some...
Way Too Much Protein
Many of you may have heard Dr. T talk about protein and how too much protein can be compromising your health. He uses the analogy that protein is dirty fuel and it is like running it through your engine without a catalytic converter. There are many reasons to not over consume on protein and I would like to comment and share additional reason to the rhyme.
Gold Standards
Many times during the last three years, people have expressed concerns about the cleanliness of restaurant food in general and about what Ecopolitan is doing about it in particular. So here's the scoop:
Functional Medicine and Beyond
By Prof. Adiel Tel-Oren, MD (Europe), CCN, DABFM, DACBN, LN, DC(ret), DABOM, FABDA; Practice Focus: Nutritional, Environmental, & Functional Medicine President & Founder, Ecopolitan Eco-Health Network ( President Emeritus & Professor of Nutrition and Functional Medicine, University of Natural Medicine
Ecopolitan April 2012 Newsletter
Here's our monthly newsletter from Ecopolitan —giving you the latest and greatest information and news on Dr. T’s lecture schedule, Ecopolitan events and news, and health tips.
Ecopolitan March 2012 Newsletter
Ecopolitan's monthly newsletter is back —giving you the latest and greatest information and news on Dr. T’s lecture schedule, Ecopolitan events and news, and health tips.
Ecopolitan May 2012 Newsletter
Here's our monthly newsletter from Ecopolitan —giving you the latest and greatest information and news on Dr. T’s lecture schedule, Ecopolitan events and news, and health tips.
About Dr. Havas
Magda Havas is Associate Professor of Environmental & Resource Studies at Trent University where she teaches and does research on the biological effects of environmental contaminants. Dr. Havas received her Ph.D. from the University of Toronto, completed Post-Doctoral research at Cornell University, and taught at the University of Toronto before going to Trent University.
August 2019 Foraging Retreat with Dr. T
Four Days of Foraging - A retreat with Ecopolitan Community Founder Dr. T: Health Education, Nutrition, & Fun in Nature When: August 7-11, 2019 Where: River Haven, Wisconsin Arrive: Wednesday, August 7 (between 7:00-9:00 PM) or Thursday, August 8 (between 6:00-8:00 AM) Depart: Sunday, August 11...
October 2014 Nepali Humanitarian Eco-Trek
Join us for an adventure that includes an off-the-beaten-path trek of the magnificent Himalayas, an authentic Nepali community tour, a jungle safari in Chitwan National Park, a World Heritage Site tour, and much more! Guided by Dr. T, this group adventure also supports sustainable rural development and education for poor Nepali children and orphans. These unique tours encompass two Himalayan...