New, Expansive EM Pollution Seminar!
In the upcoming 5-hour "Electromagnetic Pollution - Solid Solutions" Seminar for both doctors (5 CEUs awarded to applicable Minnesota doctors) and the public, we will explore the underlying mechanism that is a common thread in the evolution of numerous disease conditions, from headaches to joint pain, from multiple sclerosis (MS) to diabetes, and from asthma to cancer.
The Truth About Your Food
The Standard American Diet has resulted in a downward spiral of human health despite the country's affluence and abundant resources. Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren brings new information to the table on how to take control of your health, and save your life.
Colon Hydrotherapy with Carol Edel
Carol Edel's Colon Hydrotherapy office is part of the Eco-Healing Center at the Ecopolitan Building, which is ecological (eCOLONogical...) not only in the items mentioned above but also in the sense that the colon's ecology is thoroughly and positively addressed by the practitioner. Carol Edel has been a Certified Colon Hydrotherapy Practitioner for over 30 yrs. She was originally trained...
On Tour and On TV!
I just came back from a snowy Montreal where I gave 2 lectures; "7 Foods to Avoid to Allow for Meaningful Detoxification " and "An Introduction to the Functional and Nutritional Treatments for Behavioral and Developmental Disorders (Autism Spectrum, PDD, ADD, ADHD)." I also provided consultations and skin treatments, as I do in so many other locations. It was wonderfully...
Female Conditions
Amenorrhea Absence of menstruation. Amenorrhea may be primary (the girl has never begun her periods) or secondary (the woman had her periods once and then stopped having them). Physiologic amenorrhea is the lack of menses before menarche, during pregnancy and early lactation, and after menopause (all considered normal). All other causes of amenorrhea are pathologic. Causes of Primary...
Are You Concerned About Cancer?
While the medical community appears to be struggling ferociously with the specter of malignant disease, statistics show that in the last few decades cancer rates have been steadily increasing. Alarmingly, it is now estimated that one of three Americans will have had cancer during his or her lifetime. Should this trend continue, within several years it is likely that one of every two Americans will...
Overcoming Resistance to Holistic Medicine
Question: My 9 year old daughter has chronic recurring urinary tract infection, and has been under medical care (antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs) for many years, without success. I want to try another approach, but my husband's parents are medical doctors and they resist any alternative approach. I would like to have a consultation with you for examination and diagnosis, but first I must...
Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2)
Question: My community-mate needs some convincing as of why hydrogen peroxide is a safe product to be used to improve hygiene in our community and educational center, here's what he wrote - can you write a brief answer to calm him down? - "After hearing about it, I was fully prepared to accept hydrogen peroxide as an alternative to soap. This morning I decided to look for some...
Ecopolitan February 2012 Newsletter
Our monthly newsletters are back! Here, you’ll receive information on Dr. T’s lecture schedule, Ecopolitan events and news, and health tips. Our goal with the monthly updates is to help you live your best eco-raw life - an educated lifestyle that harmonizes health sciences, nutrition, ecology, and community to promote a sustainable future on Earth!
Nutritional Consultations
The following information will help you prepare for your consultation appointment with Dr. T, if you seek his guidance on your quest for health and wellness:
About Dr. T
Prof. Adiel Tel-Oren ("Dr. T") MD, DC, DABFM, DABCN, CCN - Health & Nutrition Science Expert; Holistic Skin Scientist; World-Wide Lecturer to Doctors, Health Practitioners, & the Public; Founder of the "Tel-Oren MucoCutaneous Therapy" - a Non-Surgical, Non-Medical Approach to Skin and Mucous Lesions; Skin & Anti-Aging Diagnostics and Therapeutics Innovator;...
Ken's Testimonial
My wife and I attended last night’s seminar by Dr. Tel-Oren. I was hoping to thank you personally for bringing the doctor to Harvard, but given the number of people at the end asking questions of you both, I decided to contact you via email. I represent Christian Science in Massachusetts in the media and in government lawmaking as well as being a Christian Science practitioner....