Eco-Healing Stay
Holistic Care, Healing, Detoxification, and Eco-Raw Immersion Available at the Ecopolitan Building in Minneapolis*
Minneapolis Living Foods Potluck & Support Group
After 3 years of requests from our dear customers, we have finally started a raw food potluck and support group in Minneapolis. This group, named the Minneapolis Living Foods, shares a variety of healthy raw vegan foods, inspiring creativity and, enhancing culinary knowledge in an informal, pleasant atmosphere. Also, this group is excitingly engaged in sustainability-oriented activism!...
Ecopolitan March 2012 Newsletter
Ecopolitan's monthly newsletter is back —giving you the latest and greatest information and news on Dr. T’s lecture schedule, Ecopolitan events and news, and health tips.
Ecopolitan February 2012 Newsletter
Our monthly newsletters are back! Here, you’ll receive information on Dr. T’s lecture schedule, Ecopolitan events and news, and health tips. Our goal with the monthly updates is to help you live your best eco-raw life - an educated lifestyle that harmonizes health sciences, nutrition, ecology, and community to promote a sustainable future on Earth!
Foraging, Herbology, and Mangoes, it must be Spring!
When I was in Israel (the Galilee) and Italy (Tuscany) a few weeks ago, I went foraging a bit (see those pictures and other foraging pictures in the blog). Even in Victoria, BC last week I found some time with my hosts to eat some wild plants (but not in Seattle, Olympia area, and Portland - I wish there was more time!). Each country and State with its own micro-climate supports its own...
About Dr. T
Prof. Adiel Tel-Oren ("Dr. T") MD, DC, DABFM, DABCN, CCN - Health & Nutrition Science Expert; Holistic Skin Scientist; World-Wide Lecturer to Doctors, Health Practitioners, & the Public; Founder of the "Tel-Oren MucoCutaneous Therapy" - a Non-Surgical, Non-Medical Approach to Skin and Mucous Lesions; Skin & Anti-Aging Diagnostics and Therapeutics Innovator;...
Gold Standards
Many times during the last three years, people have expressed concerns about the cleanliness of restaurant food in general and about what Ecopolitan is doing about it in particular. So here's the scoop:
How to Eat Raw Organic Plant Food?
Organic, fresh, wholseme, unprocessed, uncooked vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds are great for your body (see why). But what is the best way to start eating raw food? Here are your essential tips.
Learning How To Eat Raw
Question: Hi, I am interested in learning how to eat raw. I was wondering if you can help me find where I can sign up for some classes on how to eat raw and it's benefits? And hopefully something that's economic would be a plus!! Thank you for your help.
Vegetarian Un-Cooking Class
Ecopolitan's vegaterian un-cooking classes are becoming increasingly popular. ECOPOLITAN is 100% Organic, Vegan, Raw Food Restaurant