Eco-Healing Stay
Holistic Care, Healing, Detoxification, and Eco-Raw Immersion Available at the Ecopolitan Building in Minneapolis*
Are You Concerned About Cancer?
While the medical community appears to be struggling ferociously with the specter of malignant disease, statistics show that in the last few decades cancer rates have been steadily increasing. Alarmingly, it is now estimated that one of three Americans will have had cancer during his or her lifetime. Should this trend continue, within several years it is likely that one of every two Americans will...
Nutritional Consultations
The following information will help you prepare for your consultation appointment with Dr. T, if you seek his guidance on your quest for health and wellness:
Novadermy - Frequently Asked Questions
How is Novadermy different from other rejuvenation procedures? This procedure is NOT a face lift, it is not a temporary superficial chemical peel, and no toxins are injected into the face. Novadermy has successfully prevented many people from having surgery, which has many side effects, including scarring, long recovery time, altered facial structure, toxicity (anesthetics and their many...