Eco-Healing Stay
Holistic Care, Healing, Detoxification, and Eco-Raw Immersion Available at the Ecopolitan Building in Minneapolis*
Radiation Free Breast Screening
(For a printable version of this article, click this link to download the document.) DITI is a radiation free, contact free, non invasive (symptom-free), state of the art clinical screening test recommended for women of all ages. This test is part of an early breast disease detection and prevention program that provides women an opportunity to greatly increase their chances of addressing early...
Infrared Sauna
Welcome to the Ecopolitan's Infrared Sauna. Relax in the cedar chamber for infrared treatment anytime you wish. Step in and listen to music, read or meditate as you experience the therapeutic benefits of Ecopolitan's infrared thermal sauna. You'll emerge feeling refreshed, detoxified and rejuvenated. Call us at: 612-87-GREEN (612-874-7336) to schedule a session, or just stop by during...
Rheumatoid Arthritis
The Natural Approach Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory condition that affects the entire body but especially the synovial membranes of the joints. It is a classic example of an "autoimmune disease," a condition in which the body's immune system attacks the body's own tissue. Although rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic disease, it affects primarily the joints. The...
The many faces of stress Stress manifests differently depending on the individual, influencing many biological processes that begin in the brain and spread through nearly all body systems - including the adrenals, thyroid, neurotransmitter systems, digestive system, and heart. Consistent stress over long periods of time can become a serious threat to maintaining lifelong wellness as so much energy...
Novadermy - Frequently Asked Questions
How is Novadermy different from other rejuvenation procedures? This procedure is NOT a face lift, it is not a temporary superficial chemical peel, and no toxins are injected into the face. Novadermy has successfully prevented many people from having surgery, which has many side effects, including scarring, long recovery time, altered facial structure, toxicity (anesthetics and their many...
Amazing Tropical Retreat and Himalayan Adventure
This newsletter will surprise you with in-depth articles about an unforgettable Nepal and Sri Lanka extravaganza, and about Functional Medicine. Also, get up-to-date news about recent and upcoming events and activities at Ecopolitan Communities around the world!
Epigenetics, Detoxification, and You
I am back from an arduous lecture-and-patients tour of Israel and Italy! After seeing nutritional and skin-lesion patients in the Tel Aviv area, I traveled a bit north to lecture at an environmental health conference, focusing on the connection between our genetics and susceptibility to illness as a result of environmental, nutritional, hormonal, and emotional influences.
Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most commonly diagnosed behavioral disorder of childhood, estimated to affect between 3% and 5% of school-aged children. The core symptoms of ADHD include inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Although many people occasionally have difficulty sitting still, paying attention, or controlling impulsive behavior, these behaviors are so...
Alzheimer's Disease
Adapted from the book "" by David Perlmutter, MD Board-Certified Neurologist At present, approximately 4.5 million Americans have Alzheimer's disease. By the year 2030, it has been estimated that this number will approach 9 million. Prevalence of Alzheimer's disease has been estimated to be 50% in individuals 85 years or older-the most rapidly growing segment of...
Angina Pectoris
Angina Pectoris is defined as Acute pain in the chest resulting from decreased blood supply to the heart muscle (myocardial ischemia). A syndrome due to myocardial oxygen deficit, characterized by prolonged substernal, thoracic pain which is precipitated chiefly by emotion, exercise, or the ingestion of a heavy meal. It is caused by a temporary inability of the...
Radiation Free Breast Screening
Breast Thermography, Also known as Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging (DITI) is available at the Ecopolitan Building's 'clinic' (left to restaurant) on the first Saturday of the month. A Certified Thermographer comes to the Ecopolitan Building on the first Saturday of every month for this purpose, with all the sophisticated equipment necessary to perform this life-enhancing and...
Bioactive Plant Fraction Therapy
Formulated for peak wellness by Dr. T, the products below are made from the scientifically-validated bio-active molecules isolated from pure, organic, sustainably-grown natural plant oils. These innovative formulations can either be inhaled from pocket-size inhalers, or from an ultrasonic diffuser. Indoor diffusion helps to manage molds, fungal spores, and other microbes, and can help reduce...
3M Chemical Contamination Widespread in Minnesota
For Immediate Release: February 27, 2006 Contact: Chas Offutt (202) 265-7337 New Report Finds Worst PFC Pollution in Nation around Twin Cities Washington, DC — Minnesota soil, air, and groundwater show significant contamination from 3M chemicals used to make Scotchgard and other products, according to a new report released today by Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility...
Cardiovascular Disease
Definitions of Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors Total cholesterol Cholesterol is a waxy fat like substance. Total cholesterol refers to the sum of the different sub-fractions of cholesterol that are measured in the blood. Total cholesterol is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease. The National Cholesterol Education Program says 240 is considered high. A person with this level...
Ear Dysfunction - Meniere's Syndrome / Tinnitus
The disease was first diagnosed in 1861 by Prosper Meniere. Meniere's syndrome is an illness that afflicts more than seven million Americans, according to the Journal of American Medical Association (July 25, 1990). It is generally believed to be caused by a buildup of fluid in the inner ear. The resulting pressure can manifest the following list of symptoms: ringing or buzzing in the ears...
Enuresis (Bed-Wetting)
Loss of control of the bladder by day, by night, or both. Not limited to young children. Many adolescents and adults are afflicted in this way, either constantly or in times of stress or anxiety. Dr. John W. Gerard, Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Saskatchewan, presents evidence that bedwetting is sometimes the result of an allergy. "The prime problem is that the bedwetting...
Female Conditions
Amenorrhea Absence of menstruation. Amenorrhea may be primary (the girl has never begun her periods) or secondary (the woman had her periods once and then stopped having them). Physiologic amenorrhea is the lack of menses before menarche, during pregnancy and early lactation, and after menopause (all considered normal). All other causes of amenorrhea are pathologic. Causes of Primary...
Disorders That Show Up in the Nails Nail changes may signify a number of disorders elsewhere in the body. These changes may indicate illness even before the rest of the body does. The following nutritional/health problems can be indicated by the following:
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and Celiac Disease
Multiple Sclerosis
Nearly 350,000 Americans are affected by one of medicine's most misunderstood diseases, multiple sclerosis. Although there is no known cure, alternative medicine has recognized a number of contributing factors. Often, the early detection and identification of underlying causes combined with strict dietary and life-style guidelines can stabilize or reverse the symptoms.
Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2)
Question: My community-mate needs some convincing as of why hydrogen peroxide is a safe product to be used to improve hygiene in our community and educational center, here's what he wrote - can you write a brief answer to calm him down? - "After hearing about it, I was fully prepared to accept hydrogen peroxide as an alternative to soap. This morning I decided to look for some...
What is Novadermy?
Take 10 Years Off Your Face PERMANENTLY In Only 10 Days With Novadermy - The World's Safest and Most Effective Anti-Aging Facial Rejuvenation Treatment Listen to Novadermy 1 explained here... Download MP3 Listen to Novadermy 2 explained here... Download MP3 Q&A with Dr. Vargasbr Download MP3 / Download "Q&A with Dr....
What are the nutritional strategies in treatment of cancer? Here is your guide to enhancing the immune / antioxidant status, enzyme therapy, chemotherapy and / or radiation therapy support and suggested nutritional supplementation.