chiropractic - Search Results

Eco-Healing Stay

Holistic Care, Healing, Detoxification, and Eco-Raw Immersion  Available at the Ecopolitan Building in Minneapolis*

Colon Hydrotherapy with Carol Edel

​Carol Edel's Colon Hydrotherapy office is part of the Eco-Healing Center at the Ecopolitan Building, which is ecological (eCOLONogical...) not only in the items mentioned above but also in the sense that the colon's ecology is thoroughly and positively addressed by the practitioner. Carol Edel has been a Certified Colon Hydrotherapy Practitioner for over 30 yrs. She was originally trained...

New, Expansive EM Pollution Seminar!

In the upcoming 5-hour "Electromagnetic Pollution - Solid Solutions" Seminar for both doctors (5 CEUs awarded to applicable Minnesota doctors) and the public, we will explore the underlying mechanism that is a common thread in the evolution of numerous disease conditions, from headaches to joint pain, from multiple sclerosis (MS) to diabetes, and from asthma to cancer.

Cardiovascular Disease

Definitions of Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors Total cholesterol Cholesterol is a waxy fat like substance. Total cholesterol refers to the sum of the different sub-fractions of cholesterol that are measured in the blood. Total cholesterol is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease. The National Cholesterol Education Program says 240 is considered high. A person with this level...

Pain/Inflammation Management

A feeling of distress, suffering, or agony caused by stimulation of specialized nerve endings. The sensation we feel as pain is produced through a number of complex biochemical interactions. These interactions can be likened to a battle between the good guys, the body's natural pain relieving force, and the bad guys, the pain producers. When the good guys are winning the battle, we are not...

Epigenetics, Detoxification, and You

I am back from an arduous lecture-and-patients tour of Israel and Italy! After seeing nutritional and skin-lesion patients in the Tel Aviv area, I traveled a bit north to lecture at an environmental health conference, focusing on the connection between our genetics and susceptibility to illness as a result of environmental, nutritional, hormonal, and emotional influences.


Asthma is a disease in which inflammation of the airways restricts airflow in and out of the lungs. The word asthma comes from the Greek word for "panting." The panting and wheezing sound characteristic of asthma occur because of the restricted flow of air. Normally, when you breathe in an irritant or are subjected to a stressor such as exercise, your airways relax and open, allowing...

Blood Interpretation

Cholesterol Cholesterol values should only be analyzed after a 12 hour fast. Further, the physician must be aware that the patient's posture prior to the blood draw is significant. If the patient has been in a recumbent posture for more than 20 minutes, cholesterol values may be up to 15% lower than normal. Cholesterol is a blood fat which is the prime building block component to make...

Ecopolitan March 2012 Newsletter

Ecopolitan's monthly newsletter is back —giving you the latest and greatest information and news on Dr. T’s lecture schedule, Ecopolitan events and news, and health tips.

Nutritional Consultations

The following information will help you prepare for your consultation appointment with Dr. T, if you seek his guidance on your quest for health and wellness:

About Dr. T

About Dr. T

Prof. Adiel Tel-Oren ("Dr. T") MD, DC, DABFM, DABCN, CCN - Health & Nutrition Science Expert; Holistic Skin Scientist; World-Wide Lecturer to Doctors, Health Practitioners, & the Public; Founder of the "Tel-Oren MucoCutaneous Therapy" - a Non-Surgical, Non-Medical Approach to Skin and Mucous Lesions; Skin & Anti-Aging Diagnostics and Therapeutics Innovator;...