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Skin Clinic Appointments

Appointment booking form What are skin growths and blemishes (skin lesions) that can be removed? Moles/Nevi: pigmented or non-pigmented protrusions (from neurological irritation or solar exposure, or affected by genetics); Skin tags: many pigmented or non-pigmented thin-based protrusions (usually from hormonal imbalance); Senile hemangiomas: small to large red “blood...

Common sources of radio waves radiation

Some common sources of radio waves radiation are: Outdoors Broadcast antennas (fixed); Broadcast antennas (mobile); Radar stations (fixed); Radar devices (mobile); Television cables; Satellites; Satellite receiving dishes; Satellite sending dishes; Cell phones, pagers, two-way radios.

General Symptoms of Radio Wave Sickness

Question: What are the general symptoms of radio wave sickness?

The Roof of Africa & Beyond

An Account of Dr. Tel-Oren's Adventures in Tanzania, Africa: Safari, Nutritional Research, and Climbing Kilimanjaro Drug-Free and Altitude Sickness-Free (Transcribed from Dr. T's Tuesday Lecture at Ecopolitan in February 2010).


Hypothyroidism occurs when your thyroid gland, at the front of your neck, doesn't produce enough thyroid hormone or when your body fails to use thyroid hormone efficiently. There are several types of hypothyroidism. The most common is Hashimoto's thyroiditis, an autoimmune disease in which the body attacks the thyroid gland. The disease affects both sexes and all ages, but is most...

Restless Legs Syndrome and Leg Cramps

Leg Cramps: Nocturnal leg cramps constitute a relatively common complaint in the general practice of medicine and may be very distressing to the patient. Not only is the cause obscure and the treatment relatively unsatisfactory, but even its proper medical name, systremma (anything twisted up together), is unknown to most physicians.

Sinusitis / Hayfever / Allergic Rhinitis

An inflammation or infection in the paranasal sinuses. The most common inciting agent of sinusitis is a viral upper respiratory infection, although bacteria, fungi, and allergic reactions may also be responsible. Any factor that creates edema of the nasal tissues resulting in obstruction and the lack of proper drainage of the area will often lead to sinus infection. As the obstruction continues,...

Skin Conditions

Acne Vulgaris   An inflammatory disease most commonly seen in teenagers. It affects areas where sebaceous glands are largest, most numerous, and most active. Mild cases consisting of few residual signs except possibly dilated pores, and the development  of the comedo, or blackhead,  may progress through more pathological  stages of ruptured sebaceous ducts, pustule formation,...

Or's Testimonial

A few days ago I have returned from a trekking trip to Nepal that was guided by Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren (“Dr. T”). Among the mostly-American group members, there were two other Israelis, Shai and Anna, who returned at the same time and will share their own experience of this trip.  I will not provide all the details of the trip at this time, nor will I copy everything that I...

Electrical Pollution, Its Health Effects, and the Solution

The following article was sent to our newsletter subscriber at January, 2005. Visit our new EMF Pollution Remediation website for updated articles, solutions, and certification courses.  


Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most commonly diagnosed behavioral disorder of childhood, estimated to affect between 3% and 5% of school-aged children. The core symptoms of ADHD include inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Although many people occasionally have difficulty sitting still, paying attention, or controlling impulsive behavior, these behaviors are so...

Alopecia / Hair Loss

Alopecia is the absence or slowing of hair growth in an area of the body where hair formerly grew. This disorder has several causes, including physical damage to the hair shaft or follicles and fungal infections. Telogen effluvium, which is when the hair's growth cycle is disrupted temporarily by such temporary problems such as a chemical imbalance or stress, is another cause. Alopecia areata,...

Alzheimer's Disease

Adapted from the book "" by David Perlmutter, MD Board-Certified Neurologist At present, approximately 4.5 million Americans have Alzheimer's disease. By the year 2030, it has been estimated that this number will approach 9 million. Prevalence of Alzheimer's disease has been estimated to be 50% in individuals 85 years or older-the most rapidly growing segment of...

Angina Pectoris

Angina Pectoris is defined as Acute pain in the chest resulting from decreased blood supply to the heart muscle (myocardial ischemia).  A syndrome  due  to  myocardial oxygen deficit, characterized by prolonged substernal, thoracic pain which is precipitated chiefly by emotion, exercise, or the ingestion of a heavy meal.  It is caused by a temporary inability of the...

Autoimmune Conditions

Examples of autoimmune conditions include the following: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) Type 1 diabetes Crohn's Disease Hashimoto's thyroiditis Neurological diseases Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Glomerulanephritis Pernicious Anaemia Goodpasture's syndrome Scleroderma Raynaud's Phenomenon Lupus (e.g., systemic lupus erythematosus [SLE]) Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)...

Blood Interpretation

Cholesterol Cholesterol values should only be analyzed after a 12 hour fast. Further, the physician must be aware that the patient's posture prior to the blood draw is significant. If the patient has been in a recumbent posture for more than 20 minutes, cholesterol values may be up to 15% lower than normal. Cholesterol is a blood fat which is the prime building block component to make...

Blood Sugar Dysregulation / Metabolic Syndrome

General nutritional support strategies for individuals with any dysglycemic response. i.e. Metabolic Syndrome (lnsulin Resistance and Hyperinsulinemia) Type II Diabetes Reactive Hypoglycemia. NOTE: "Type 1 Diabetes" see Autoimmune Section  


Bursitis is an Acute or chronic inflammation in a bursa. Bursae are thin-walled sacs lined with synovial fluid and function to lubricate and ease the movement of the tendons and muscles over bony prominences. Causes of bursitis include trauma; systemic disease (such as arthritis or rheumatoid arthritis); gout; repetitive or excessive frictional force; or infection. Most commonly, bursitis is...

Cardiovascular Disease

Definitions of Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors Total cholesterol Cholesterol is a waxy fat like substance. Total cholesterol refers to the sum of the different sub-fractions of cholesterol that are measured in the blood. Total cholesterol is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease. The National Cholesterol Education Program says 240 is considered high. A person with this level...


Depression is a major problem in the United States. Nearly 15 million Americans will suffer true clinical depression each year. Depression is also a big business for drug companies, especially for the maker of Prozac-Eli Lilly and Company. The good news is that there are natural measures to deal with depression that are both safer and more effective.

Facet Syndrome

Facet syndrome is used to describe chronic or acute inflammation of the articular facet joints which guide vertebral motion. These joints are lined by cartilage and surrounded by capsular ligaments which are richly innervated by pain fibers. These joints are inflamed by trauma (as in flexion/extension injuries; "whiplash") or in overloading injuries such as lifting a heavy load and...

Female Conditions

Amenorrhea Absence of menstruation. Amenorrhea may be primary (the girl has never begun her periods) or secondary (the woman had her periods once and then stopped having them). Physiologic amenorrhea is the lack of menses before menarche, during pregnancy and early lactation, and after menopause (all considered normal). All other causes of amenorrhea are pathologic.   Causes of Primary...

Fertility / Sexual Dysfunction - Male and Female

10-15% of couples experience the inability to conceive, and the percentage is growing. Men account for 40% of failures to conceive. Of the women who are responsible, failure to ovulate accounts for 30% of infertility problems; pelvic factors (such as tubal disease and endometriosis) account for 50%; cervical pathology is responsible 10% of the time; and in 10-20% of the women no reason is...

Headache: Nonvascular

Headache without vascular cause. The most commonly diagnosed condition in the United States with 70% of these caused by muscle tension. Causes include suboccipital muscle spasms from injury (whiplash), postural strain (caused, for example, by a computer screen angled incorrectly), pillow too large that forces flexion of the neck during rest. Usually gradual onset, but tends to persist in cyclical...

Headache: Vascular / Migraine

Headaches from vascular disturbance. There are several types of vascular headaches: Migraine: Periodic throbbing headaches. The prodrome seems to be due to a vasoconstriction of the cerebral blood vessels (or the vessels leading into the brain), while the headache itself seems to be due to a vasodilation of the blood vessels with subsequent congestion of tissues; seen more often in women...


Inflammation of the liver characterized by patchy or generalized hepatocellular necrosis There are 4 major kinds of hepatitis: type A, type B, type D, and type non-A, non-B. The disease is viral in origin and although types A, B, and D can be distinguished by their antigenic properties, all four display a clinically similar picture.  Other less common infective causes of hepatitis include...

Intervertebral Disc Disease

Rupture of the annulus fibroses causing leaking of the nucleus pulposus into the intradural space. Also called herniated disc, herniated nucleus pulposus, ruptured disc, or disc syndrome. The cause is degeneration of the fibers of the annulus fibrosus, or trauma of the area leading to the rupture of the annulus. Rupture usually occurs at middle age or older. Then, the normal pressure that...

Low Back Pain

Pain felt either in the lumbar, lumbosacral, or sacroiliac areas. Most low back pain is from degenerative joint disease in the lumbosacral region, poor posture, the beer belly, constipation, and stress-induced myospasms of the lumbosacral region. Low back pain is commonly associated with sciatica. The prognosis depends on the cause. Generally, the condition is benign and the prognosis is...

Lupus (Erythematosus)

This is a chronic, inflammatory, autoimmune (the body is attacking itself) disease that affects connective tissue (tissue  that  binds and supports various structures of the body and also includes the blood). Discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) is a less serious type, affecting exposed areas of the skin and sometimes the joints. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is more serious,...


Scar-type tissue causing restriction of tissue motion. Traumatic tearing of soft tissues or long standing muscle spasms cause production of thixotropic gel which organizes itself into collagen scar tissue. This is the body's attempt to stabilize what is perceived as injury. Three problems result from this scar formation:

Neurological Conditions

Neurological Conditions   The Interplay of Neurotransmitters & Mental States The body is the theater for emotional and cognitive states. Whether mood or mental issues express themselves through behavior or physical functioning-neurotransmitters are one group of characters at play. Memory and cognitive processes are heavily dependent on acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter...

Solar Keratosis - A Common Pre-Cancer Skin Condition

Solar keratosis, also known as actinic keratosis, is a pre-cancerous skin condition, whereby patches of the skin become rough, crusty, or scaly, and ultimately develop into thick dry bumps that may occasionally slough off and re-form, frequently leading to squamous cell carcinoma (a common yet serious skin cancer). These patches may vary greatly in thickness, color, pigment density, and diameter...

Eco-Trek and Nepali Community Tour - Spring 2011

Mardi Himal Rhododendron Bloom Eco-Trek and Nepali Community Tour, and much more! Guided by Dr. T, this Group Adventure Also Supports Sustainable Rural Development and Education for Poor Nepali Children and Orphans Exploring The Himalayas, Authentic Nepali Village Life, The Spiritual Birthplace of Buddha, Chitwan Jungle Park, and Magnificent World Heritage Site Temples  ~ March 23 - April 8,...


What are the nutritional strategies in treatment of cancer? Here is your guide to enhancing the immune / antioxidant status, enzyme therapy, chemotherapy and / or radiation therapy support and suggested nutritional supplementation.