
Winter Depression

Question: I tend to be moody and irritable in the winter (Seasonal Affective Disorder, SAD), but it lasts a lot longer into the summer in recent years, and I feel more and more depressed. Any suggestions?


This can have many potential causes. If you have not purchased a 10,000-Lux lamp to expose your eyes to increased day-light time during the short winter days, do so. Certain herbs and nutrients can help mitigate some of these symptoms, but sound cellular nutrition is key to your mental health, including wholesome diet, avoidance of nutrient-depleting foods, and the elimination of deficiencies and electromagnetic radiation (EMR or proximity to strong electromagnetic fields (EMF).

More information about this is available on my upcoming CD on the general topic of mood disorders. One important consideration (especially if your symptoms last long after the end of winter) is your vitamin D status – it’s very likely that you (like many other Americans, especially in northern latitudes but also elsewhere) have become increasingly D-deficient (I like to say - “D-ficient”...) over the years, causing prolonged moodiness until you finally increase your vitamin D levels upon being exposed to the summer’s sun.

Vitamin D3 supplementation has been proven improve mood disorders, according to the science-based Vitamin D Council. Doses of 5000 IU (or more, in some cases) may be needed in the winter (less in the summer) to maintain a healthy serum level of 25-hydroxy-vitamin-D. Let us know if you wish to have the test done and if you wish to get a professional-quality D3 from Ecopolitan at a discount.

If you have a nutritional or brief medical question you would like Doctor T to answer, please contact us and it may be answered in a future newsletter or article.

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