
Testimonial by a local diner

Testimonial by a local diner

Dear Ecopolitan,
I am a 53-year-old woman from South Minneapolis, slightly overweight, who has discovered raw food (living foods) just 3 weeks ago, upon visiting Ecopolitan restaurant, enjoying your delicious raw cuisine (and organic wine...) immensely, and reading the literature you generously made available to me.
I became almost entirely a raw-foodist two weeks ago, and the changes in my body are staggering! Since 3 weeks ago, I have effortlessly lost 20 pounds, without any hunger or sense of dissatisfaction. The foods are becoming more tasty every day, whether I eat at Ecopolitan or at home (I often take-out your dishes, desserts, crackers, pates, and pizza crusts, surprising all the detractors, including my doctor, who think I'm eating nothing but celery sticks and carrots...).
Additionally, during the last two weeks I have been experiencing great things, like wonderful alertness and fantastic amounts of energy that I never thought I could have.
It all seems so unbelievably good that I must do a frequent reality check, telling myself that this situation may just be a sweet dream and that it can't possibly last. Then I realize that I'm not on some hallucinogenic drug but simply on a new dietary lifestyle that is satisfying and permanent, and that what I'm experiencing is be a renewed level of health that I can sustain forever.
Thank you, Ecopolitan, for giving me a fabulous Holiday gift of good life!