Tomorrow I will be going to San Diego to prepare for a West-Coast Tour of lectures and consultations. I'll be lecturing and seeing patients in San Diego, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Apple Valley, The Bay Area, Mt. Shasta, Portland, Yelm (Washington), and ending in Seattle on February 2nd. If you reside anywhere on the Pacific Coast and want to attend any of the talks or to become a part of the Ecopolitan Community (local and online), please email us at, so we can reserve a place for you and give you more information as needed.
Many exciting things are happening now, including the development of Ecopolitan's World-Wide Eco-Health Network of Communities. As a result, we are experiencing the exhiliration and pain of rapid growth. If you have any comments or criticisms that can help us provide better services, please do so, while you refer your friends and family to us for free recipes, education, and support.
Soon we will be offering lab tests online, additional educational programs and University-Certification Programs (including a 3-level Eco-Raw Chef Certification Program Online), our Ecopolitan Recipe Book, and products for healthy people in healthy homes. By Spring, we hope to have my first book published. There is so much to do!
Thank you for your support and for being a part of this with us!
Dr. T
Featured Recipe: Amazing Pate a la Dr. T
While visiting in Montreal, Dr. T whipped this up using some of the leftovers in the fridge! It was a hit, so we decided to write down the recipe and share it with you!
¼ of a large green cabbage or ½ of a small one
2 carrots, cleaned
2 cups of soaked buckwheat (soak buckwheat for at least 1 hour, rinse it well and let it air dry)
2 generous size cloves of garlic
½ yellow onion
1 whole lemon with peels removed
Salt to taste
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 pinches of "Herbes de Provence"(organic herb mix containing oregano, basil, parsley, thyme and rosemary in equal proportions)
Process all ingredients in food processor until desired texture. Adjust salt and spices to taste. Use in wraps, as a dip with vegetables, or on its own as a satisfying meal with a few olives dopped on top!

Truth About Your Food:
Dr. T in 3
In these 3 minute videos, Dr. T, packs an informational punch about such things as Vitamin b-12, Dairy, Fibromyalgia, Raw Cacao, Gluten Insensitivity, and more!
Check out this FREE online video series!
Ask Dr. T
Our recent lecture series, Truth About Your Food, has encouraged many of you delve even deeper into the science of nutrition. Here's an example, and I encourage you to submit your own questions for use in future newsletters!
Hi Dr.T,
I listened to the "truth" series and learned so much that helped me really understand what my body needed to be healthy. You really dispelled some important myths for me. It was a real relief to know I didn't need as much protein as I'd been taught.
Everything you said helped me understand why I felt worse when I was eating the way Dr. Perricone suggests...high protein, loads of fish oil. I ordered two supplements you suggested. I like the probiotic. I ordered the ISO D3 too. I have to say I do not feel my best when I take it and I wonder if it has something to do with the soy. I was really curious why you chose this D3 when soy is such a common allergen. I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Thanks for sharing your knowledge.
Hello Kyla,
The Isoflavones in Iso-D3 are indeed derived from soy, but are NOT the protein component nor are they the fat component of the soy bean. They are from the family of bioflavonoids - substances that are not considered allergenic or detrimental as soy protein and oil are. These isoflavones are probably the most beneficial components of the legume (beans) family.
Metagenics are very aware of the soy allergy issue, and any allergenic substance are carefully removed. However, in cases of severe soy sensitivity it might be wise to observe your symptoms as they relate to ingestion of the product (Iso-D3) or to eliminating it for a few days, just to be certain. If it causes any reaction (very rare!), I would recommend to take it for 2-3 days of every week (at higher doses), then giving the immune system a break for 4-5 days, repeating this cycle weekly. This can be modified according to any changes in reactivity that might occur, if any.
At the worst case scenario, we have a very good alternative form of D3 that is fish-oil derived (certified pure of toxins), if that is an option you would not mind. I personally don't like fish oil for various reasons, but some people don't find it offensive in such a small amount.
Sincerely, Dr. T
From the Ecopolitan Kitchen
Here is a recipe from Ecopolitan Restaurant's upcoming cookbook release (more about that soon!). This soup is perfect for the cold weather we've been experiencing where I'm at!
Hearty Lentil Soup
This is a very hearty soup good enough for a full meal. To make a thinner soup for a first course or lighter meal, try adding about 3-5 cups celery or carrot juice.
- 6 cups lentil sprouts
- 6 cups Almond Milk
- 1 ½ cups chopped tomato
- 1 cup olive oil
- 2 avocados
- ¾ cup diced bell pepper
- 6 T chopped fresh dill
- 6 T minced garlic
- 6 T minced onion
- 2 t sea salt
Place all ingredients except the lentils in a blender and blend until smooth. Add lentils and blend briefly. Lentils should remain somewhat intact. Add up to 4 cups filtered water to reach desired consistency. Serve with balsamic vinegar.
Dr. T on T.V.!
Dr. Tel-Oren has been asked to do an interview for television! This is such exciting news for us, as he will be getting a chance to reach more of the public than ever before!
This 2 part program will be airing on Monday, Jan 19, 2009 and Monday Jan 26, 2009 on a show called "Healthy Living." In Los Angeles (Pacific Coast Time), airing times are: 1am, 7am, 1pm and 7pm.
In North America, there are 2 ways to view the program:
1. via free to air satellite on Galaxy 19 at 97 degrees West
2. via live webstreaming online at
For further channel info in other parts of the world, please visit:
Dr. Tel-Oren's 90 Day Deep Tissue Detox Program
Finally experience the health-boosting effects of a meaningful detoxification by safely and comfortably eliminating toxins that have been building up in your system for YEARS.
Dr. Tel-Oren has created a 3-phase, 90 day DEEP TISSUE Detoxification Program that is unlike any program you will find ANYWHERE. The information you will receive will change your life FOREVER!
For instance, did you know...
- Toxicity isn't only caused by unhealthy eating...environmental pollution and even STRESS are HUGE factors!
- All of the uncomfortable symptoms and side-effects that you associate with "detox" DO NOT need to be happening to you!
- You cannot engage in a meaningful detoxification if you are consuming GLUTEN or DAIRY!
Ecopolitan's HOME STUDY Holistic Health Advisor Certification Program is a complete 2-year program with university credit through the University of Natural Medicine in Santa Fe. Get certified without ever leaving your desk!