
Minneapolis Living Foods Potluck & Support Group

After 3 years of requests from our dear customers, we have finally started a raw food potluck and support group in  Minneapolis. This group, named the Minneapolis Living Foods, shares a variety of healthy raw vegan foods, inspiring creativity and, enhancing culinary knowledge in an informal, pleasant atmosphere.  Also, this group is excitingly engaged in sustainability-oriented activism! Check it out!

Thanks to Ecopolitan's donation of its lecture & meeting room to the group, there will never be any cost to participate in these potluck meetings. Yes, these meetings are FREE, and will always remain free! Our first few potlucks were a fine success and we hope the group will grow to include more of the community.

To participate, bring an organic raw vegan dish to share, for 6 - 8 people (PLEASE, no meat or other flesh products or derivatives, dairy, eggs, honey, or processed food over 105F). If possible, avoid soy products, corn, wheat, and peanuts, or clearly mark their presence in your recipe, to help those who are sensitive to these common allergens or those who wish to avoid exposure to foods that may be genetically engineered (or GMO-contaminated).

When: the last Sunday of every month, at 5:30 PM (right after our UnCooking Classes, so you may combine both experiences).  Participants must provide their own plates, utensils and drinking glasses. Ecopolitan will provide purified water. 

Ask your friends to sign up for our email newsletters at www.ecopolitan.com, for future updates about these potlucks and other events. 

If you don't wish to spend the time shopping for all the organic ingredients and preparing the dish yourself, just call Ecopolitan's  Chefs (612-87-GREEN, or 612-874-7336) to pre-order food to be shared. Or, you can purchase any of our organic dried fruits and nuts (the most hygienic, fresh, ecological, yet low-priced bulk in town).

We care about your thoughts!