
Liver / Gallbladder

Hepatopathy: any disease of the liver.

Hepatotoxin: a toxin that destroys liver cells.

Cholestasis: stoppage or suppression of bile flow, due to factors within (intrahepatic cholestasis) or outside the liver (extrahepatic cholestasis).

Cirrhosis: a liver disease characterized pathologically by the loss of the normal microscopic lobular architecture and regenerative replacement of necrotic parenchymal tissue with fibrous bands of connective tissue which eventually constrict and partition the organ into irregular nodules. The term is sometimes used to refer to chronic interstitial inflammation of any organ.

Cirrhosis of the liver is actually a group of chronic diseases of the liver. The disease has a lengthy latent period,

usually followed by the sudden appearance of abdominal pain and swelling, hematomyelis, dependent edema,

or jaundice. In advanced states, ascites, pronounced jaundice, portal hypertension, and central nervous system

disorders, which may end in hepatic coma, become prominent.



The signs and symptoms of hepatic cirrhosis are manifestations of interference with the major functions of the liver; that is: (1)the storage and release of blood to maintain adequate circulating volume; (2) the metabolism of nutrients and the detoxification of poisons absorbed from the intestines; (3) the regulation of fluid and electrolyte balance; and (4) production of clotting factors.

Symptoms include: intolerance to greasy foods; headaches after eating; light colored stool; foul smelling stool;

less than one bowel movement daily; constipation; hard stool; sour taste in mouth; grey colored skin; yellow

in whites of eyes; bad breath; body odor; fatigue and sleepiness after eating; pain in right side under rib cage; painful to pass stool; retain water; big toe painful; pain radiates along outside of leg; dry skin/hair; blood in stool; have had jaundice or hepatitis; high blood cholesterol and low HDL cholesterol; cholesterol level above 200; triglyceride level above 115.


Nutrients Involved

Choline, inositol, vitamin B6, folic acid, vitamin B12, magnesium, taurine, vitamin C



Food  allergy, exercise, hypothyroidism, hypochlorhydria, bowel detoxification, urinary indican test, Candida



Suggested Nutritional Supplementation


  • Lipo-Gen - 1-2 tablets with each meal.

Comprehensive lipotropic formula.

  • LiverCare - 1-3 tablets with each meal.

Ayurvedic liver formula.


Gallbladder Flush

Symptoms of Gallbladder Problems

Your healthcare professional may recommend a gallbladder flush if you have any of the following symptoms:


- Under lower rib cage

- In front of your shoulder

- Behind back of knee


- yellow, green, or pale

- Fat in stools - stools float

Swelling around the knee and below to feet

Temporal headaches,

Feet sweat

Eye pain

Leg cramps

Belching or bloated after fatty meals

Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS)


Can't sleep from 11 PM to 1 AM

- Awake up during this time

- Sleep restlessly during this time


Nausea after meals




Day 1 through 6 (usually Monday through Saturday)

Eat 5-7 fresh organic apples a day.*

Chew the apples well and drink plenty of pure spring water throughout the day (one half your body weight in ounces per day).

*NOTE: If you have yeast overgrowth DO NOT use apples, instead take 6-8 tablets ofFibroplex®


Continue with your normal diet, except eliminate all oils and fat from your diet (no butter, meats, cooking oils, nuts, or avocado).

Avoid chamomile tea (stimulates bile secretion from liver; could bring on an attack in susceptible people).


Suggested Nutritional Supplementation


  • Lipo-GenTM - 2 tablets three times daily with meals

Lipo-Gen is a highly specialized formula that features a broad-spectrum and unique blend of lipotropic nutrients combined with select amino acids, vitamins, and herbs to support healthy liver and gallbladder function.

  • LiverCare® - 3 tablets twice daily

LiverCare® assists normally functioning liver cells, it has antioxidant properties that support liver cell integrity and is a formula which assists in preserving existing liver strength when dealing with occasional overwhelming challenges. Keep in mind, the liver is the largest internal organ and it is important the liver is functioning on a normal level when performing more then 500 different functions. Silymarin, the active component of Milk Thistle, acts by maintaining healthy liver cell function. LiverCare does the same thing. LiverCare also supports the liver’s function when challenged by toxins not just in our food, water and air, but also increased consumption of protein and prohormones. A benefit LiverCare has over Milk Thistle is it does not interfere with medication when taken together.* *University of Pittsburgh. LiverCare has enormous health benefits for everyone.• Supports the liver in functions relating to nutritional status, such as the liver's normal ability to burn fat and help support the body's metabolic process• Supports healthy liver enzyme levels and the liver's ability to regenerate itself

  • AdvaClear® - 3 capsules twice daily

AdvaClear provides unique support for balanced activity of the body's detoxification processes.

  • UltraFlora IBTM - 1 capsule daily.

Ultra Flora IB is an enhanced potency probiotic formula designed to help relieve bowel irritation and related functional discomforts by promoting a healthy balance of intestinal microflora.

NOTE: After completing the Liver gall bladder flush, continue the supplement regimen for two weeks or until bottles

are empty.


Day 6 (usually Saturday)

Breakfast - Eat your normal, healthy breakfast

  • Take 5 to10 tablets of Mag CitrateTM with a ½ cup of fresh squeezed lemon juice*.


Lunch - Eat your normal, healthy lunch.

  • Take 5 to10 tablets of Mag CitrateTM with a ½ cup of fresh squeezed lemon juice**

Two hours after lunch:

  • Take 5 to10 tablets of Mag CitrateTM with a ½ cup of fresh squeezed lemon juice**

For dinner:

  • Eat only fresh grapefruit (organic is preferred). If you have a problem with grapefruit, you may eat fresh apples and drink fresh or high quality organic apple juice.

At bedtime:

  • Prepare a glass with 1/2 cup of organic, unrefined, cold-pressed olive oil. (Spectrum Naturals brand or Bariani is highly recommended.)
  • Prepare another glass with 1/2 cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice**. Mix the two together or drink


  • Go immediately to bed. Lie on your right side with your right knee pulled up close to your chest for 30 minutes. Go to sleep. Call your health care professional if you have severe nausea of pain under right rib cage.

**NOTE: If the patient is allergic to lemons substitute grapefruit juice or orange juice.


Day 7 (usually Sunday)

Breakfast - Eat a lighter than normal, healthy breakfast

  • Take 5 to10 tablets of Mag CitrateTM with a ½ cup of fresh squeezed lemon juice* 
  • You may want to do 10 to 15 minutes of vigorous exercise 30 minutes following theMag CitrateTM.

**NOTE: If the patient is allergic to lemons substitute grapefruit juice or orange juice.

Plan a relaxing, restful day as your body is purging itself and continue to eat low-fat meals.  Your gallbladder has just "run a marathon", and it needs rest now or you could precipitate a gallbladder attack.

You may see a change in your stool color, and/or light to dark green gelatinous objects in your stool this day and maybe the next. These contain purged bile from the gallbladder and are helping to detoxify the liver and relieve congestion in the gallbladder.  If there are a large number of these objects in the stool you may repeat the liver/ gallbladder flush in two to three weeks. Otherwise, the flush may be repeated as needed up to four times a year. Consult your doctor for how many flushes needed.


Consult with your health care professional within 1-3 days after the flush!

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