
Kathleen Moulton (March 2013 Community Tour)

Kathleen Moulton (March 2013 Community Tour)

What a "TOP NOTCH" group of people in the 2013 trek! I feel we were a very special group that were destined to come together and share our lives with each other.  Dorothy, Augusta and I were part of the "Ground Contingent." This was a new arrangement put together by Dr. Tel-Oren for those of us who were (for physical reasons) choosing not to trek.

We had so much to do while the main body of people were having their own cultural experiences and viewing some of the most breath-taking scenery. Nanda Pokerel graciously saw to it that our every need was met. We took in the local color in Kathmandu as well as had dinner 'Nepali' style, at his home with his lovely family. Acupuncture, massage therapy and a visit to a local emergency center were some of the real everyday, non-touristy events experienced. Here again, Nanda was so helpful. What a wise and wonderful choice it was for me to have joined this adventure of a lifetime. My heart has been touched and opened by the gentleness and graciousness of the people in Nepal. I feel as though we are "kin"! NAMASTE ALL!