Ecopolitan April 2012 Newsletter

Here's our monthly newsletter from Ecopolitan —giving you the latest and greatest information and news on Dr. T’s lecture schedule, Ecopolitan events and news, and health tips.

2012 Eco Foraging Weekends

Join Dr. T and friends for a food foraging weekend in River Haven, Wisconsin!

Eco-Foraging is the process of searching for edible plants growing wild in Nature (not planted by humans) and then eating them. This process involves living and wandering in natural surroundings for 2-3 days, forming friendships and communal awareness, re-discovering our intimate contact with our natural sources, and learning to trust that Nature will always provide; everything we really need is already here surrounding us! Foraging heals us and connects us. Foraging gives us freedom and fulfillment. Foraging is fun! 

To join, e-mail and specify your desired weekend/s (you can attend as many weekends as you wish - the progression of summer promises new discoveries every time we go!). Group size is limited to 20 participants per foraging weekend, and this is expected to fill fast! Our first foraging weekend is scheduled for May 25-27! For more information, visit Ecopolitan's website here

2012 Foraging Dates (Please note these dates are subject to change)
May 25-27
July 6-8
July 20-22
August 3-5
August 17-19
September: TBD

Hope to see you there!

Ecopolitan Restaurant Launches New Menu

Have you heard that the Ecopolitan restaurant launched a new menu? Our classic dishes have stayed the same, but we've added a few new tasty dishes that have been a hit - the Garlic Avocado Salad, Mock Tuna Crisps, Mac + Cheese, Ginger Nut Noodles, and a kid's version of the mac + cheese for children under 12. Stop in today and check it out! If you’d like to view it online, you can visit Ecopolitan’s website.  All food served is 100% organic, vegan, raw and gluten-free.

Article of the Month: Whey too much Protein

We’re happy to introduce our new Ecopolitan Article of the Month! The Article of the Month’s purpose is to help increase communication and information within and outside of the Ecopolitan Eco-Health community. Written by A.J. Gregg (and occasionally Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren), the Article of the Month examines and discusses the science basis of current health trends and issues for those interested in a sustainable, healthy, natural lifestyle. Check out this month’s article, Whey Too Much Protein here.

Product of the Month: Austin Air Purifiers Available at Ecopolitan

Just like the Article of the Month, we’re also introducing the Ecopolitan Product of the Month. Each month, we’ll feature a product that we believe optimizes health and maximizes quality of life. All products featured are available at the Ecopolitan restaurant or by ordering online through our Eco-Shop (coming soon!).

This month, we’re happy to feature Austin Air Purifiers.  It’s well known that outside air pollution is toxic, but did you know that indoor air pollution can be up to 10 times worse than outdoor air pollution? Austin Air cleaners deliver a complete filtration solution, removing a wide variety of particles, sub-micron particles, chemicals, gases, micro-organisms and odors.  This includes such things as dust, mold, pollen, tobacco smoke, chemical vapors, gases, viruses and bacteria.

Ecopolitan’s Eco-Shop offers the Austin Air Healthmate Plus™ and the Healthmate Junior Plus™.  For more information on Austin Air Purifiers, you can visit their website here. To order, call Ecopolitan at 612-870-2974 or email

We'll be back soon with more great Eco-Raw living news.

Until then,

Dr. T, A.J. Gregg, and the Eco-Health Network

Ecopolitan, a humanitarian organization, is a component of the Eco-Health Network which promotes ECO-RAW LIVING - an educated lifestyle that harmonizes health sciences, nutrition, ecology, and community to promote a sustainable future on Earth!

(612) 87-GREEN
2409 Lyndale Ave. S
Minneapolis, MN 55405

We care about your thoughts!