
​EMF Protection and Remediation

This category contains expert medical information about the various types and effects of EMF pollution, revealing the most severe sources of electrical pollution and the technologies or actions that address them.

Here you can learn how to protect yourself and others, plus how to become a Certified EMF Pollution Remediator (CEPR) via an accredited university course.

Get the science. Learn the risks. Protect yourself and your family. Get Certified!

Common sources of radio waves radiation

Some common sources of radio waves radiation are: Outdoors Broadcast antennas (fixed); Broadcast antennas (mobile); Radar stations (fixed); Radar devices (mobile); Television cables; Satellites; Satellite receiving dishes; Satellite sending dishes; Cell phones, pagers, two-way radios.

Further EMF information

The following sites contain further information, regarding EMF. The links are provided as-is, with no responsibility of the correctness of the information or the effectiveness of the products.

General Symptoms of Radio Wave Sickness

Question: What are the general symptoms of radio wave sickness?

EMF Cancer risk

Question: Is there a cancer risk with EMF?

Health Effects of Radio Waves and Microwaves

Just as some people in the same work environment are more resilient to airborne pollution exposures than others, some people don't experience the symptoms associated with electrical pollution as much as others. However, long-term exposure that does not lead to immediate symptoms can still result...

Sources of Electrical Pollution

Some Sources of Electrical Pollution:

Defining and Measuring Electrical Pollution

​Defining and measuring the harmful electrical pollution is analogous to defining and measuring harmful drinking water. The problem is not the water; it is not (in general) the 60 Hz electric power we all enjoy in our homes and offices; it is what comes with the water, and what comes with the 60 Hz...